Does Kratom Lower Testosterone? What’s The Truth Behind It?

does kratom lower testosterone

‘Does kratom lower testosterone?’ is a question that every single user doubts and looks for answers to. Not only this, many still do not know this fact despite the popularity this tropical plant has earned over the years for its possible medicinal and health benefits. Kratom, mainly known to be a stimulant that may relieve pain, has gained quite a name in the Western world. As it is with most substances, the real question that comes to people’s minds is how this drug will affect one’s health in the long term, especially in terms of hormones. And for knowing that, let’s read further as this article delves into the available research and evidence to uncover the truth behind this claim.

Does Kratom Lower Testosterone?

Of all the different discussions between users and researchers, one of the impending questions must have been, “Does kratom lower testosterone levels?” Unfortunately, research into its effects on testosterone has not been adequate within the scientific community. That being said, there is some insight from existing studies. Let’s have a look at these existing ones.

The Science

Knowing the possible mechanisms by which kratom acts on testosterone allows one to hypothesize a possible net effect on hormonal balance. Much like classical opioids, its interaction with opioid receptors in the body may suppress hormone production through the inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Another possible mechanism is the alteration of the body’s response to stress. This alteration of stress response, in turn, affects testosterone through associated changes in cortisol levels. Though these theories are plausible, further studies are required to verify these pathways and their implications for a long-term user.

does kratom lower testosterone?

Source: Freepik

Research & Findings 

Very few studies have been conducted to determine if Kratom brings down testosterone. Most of the information available is, at best, anecdotal or just given in animal studies. One such study showed that its high dosage had a suggestion of testosterone reduction. It is hard to translate such findings to humans, whereby the physiology and metabolism between the two are pretty diverse. Other studies looked into changes in sperm morphology and motility of mice that were exposed to kratom.

In contrast, findings that used humans as subjects gave mixed results. While some point out that it does not affect testosterone levels, others suggest it may have a mild impact on reproductive hormones. 

Comparison With Substances

The potential effects of kratom can be compared to those of other substances known to influence hormone levels. Classic opioids, for instance, report lowering of hormones through disruption of the HPG axis. Equally, chronic alcohol intake has also been noted to depress the male hormone through liver impairment and hormone disruption.

kratom powder

Source: Freepik

Practical Considerations

Anyone considering or already using kratom must be aware of its potential effects. Though the answers to such questions are yet to become apparent, there are things one could do to keep track of one’s hormonal health instead. Firstly, what one can do is monitor symptoms such as low libido, muscle loss, or mood swings. Secondly, consume it in limited amounts and avoid large dosages as much as possible. Lastly, regularly monitoring levels and general health may be beneficial, allowing for timely intervention.

Final Words

In the end, as discussed, there isn’t a justified answer due to the minimal number of studies conducted and their inconsistent results. Additionally, the possible hormonal impacts, at large doses aside, among human subjects have not been proven. As interest in kratom continues to grow, so does the need for more comprehensive, long-term studies to better understand its effects on the body, including hormone levels. Until then, consume it with great caution and control and under the guidance of your respective physician.


What is testosterone, and why is it important? 

Testosterone is generally an androgen hormone synthesized in the testes of men and, in small amounts, in women’s ovaries. It works by acting on the development of male features, building muscle and bone mass, and enhancing sex drive. In females, it heightens sexual drive, boosts energy, and sustains bone strength.

What is kratom, and how does it work?

 Kratom is an extract acquired from the leaves that may act as a stimulant and induce opioid-like effects. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are active ingredient compounds. Apart from its primary uses, many users believe that it leads to increased energy levels, pain relief, and relaxation. However, these are claims and might vary from person to person. As a result, before you rely on this plant in the long run, consult a physician.


Joe’s Botanicals. Does Kratom Lower Testosterone?

Calcusa Recovery. Does Kratom Lower Testosterone: The Truth About Kratom and Testosterone.

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